
React vs angular - which framework to choose in 2022

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React and Angular are two of the most popular front-end frameworks for web development. Both have their own advantages and disadvantages, which can make it difficult to decide which one to use for your next project. In this article, we'll compare React and Angular, looking at their history, features, pros, and cons, and updates for 2022.

What is React?

React, or ReactJS is a JavaScript library that is used for building user interfaces. It allows you to create reusable components so that your code is easy to read and maintain. React is popular among IT engineers because it allows them to build fast, responsive user interfaces.

React was created by Meta (formerly Facebook) in 2013 as a way to improve the user experience of their web applications. Nowadays, React is being used by many big companies, including Facebook, Netflix, Uber, Airbnb, and the New York Times. The latest version of this framework is React 18.

What is Angular?

Angular, or AngularJS is a full-featured JavaScript framework created by Google. It was originally released in 2010 and was later rewritten and released as a complete rewrite in 2016. It allows you to create complex web applications using declarative templates and powerful features such as data binding, routing, and dependency injection. Angular is popular among IT engineers because it provides a lot of functionality out of the box, making it easy to get started with web development. Angular is also being used by big companies, for example, Google, PayPal, Sony, Forbes, Nike, and HBO.

React - pros and cons

Even though we prefer using React in our software house, it is not without its disadvantages. One downside is that it can be challenging to learn all of its features. Additionally, React is limited to building user interfaces, which means you may need to use other tools for more complex web applications. React lets you create reusable components so that your code is easy to read and maintain. It is also very fast, and it can be used on the server or in the browser.

Pros of React:

  1. Reusable Components: One of the main advantages of using React is that your code becomes more modular and reusable. This makes it easier to maintain and update your application as you add new features.

  2. Speed: React is one of the fastest frameworks available, which makes it a good choice for high-traffic websites.

  3. Server-Side Rendering: You can use React on the server side to render pages before sending them to the browser. This can improve performance and reduce page load times.

  4. Cross-Platform: React can be used in both the browser and on the server, making it a versatile choice for web development projects.

  5. User interface: React is more concerned with the user interface than other frameworks. It delivers a highly responsive interface through JavaScript interactions between the device and software.

Cons of React:

  1. Learning Curve: React has a bit of a learning curve, so it may not be suitable for novice engineers. However, with a bit of practice, you can quickly learn how to use this powerful library.

  2. Limited Library: The current version of React has a limited library, which may cause problems if you need to use specific features that are not included in the framework. However, this situation is likely to change as React continues to evolve.

  3. Frequent changes: React constantly changes, so engineers have to retrain themselves with new techniques to achieve the same result. It means, that they have to learn new things all the time.

Angular - pros and cons

There are pros and cons of using the Angular framework for web development. On the plus side, Angular is very robust and provides a lot of features and functionality right out of the box. It also has a large community of engineers who are constantly creating new modules and libraries that can be used to extend the framework's capabilities. On the downside, Angular can be a bit complicated to learn and use, especially for beginners. Additionally, because it is so feature-rich, it can be easy to overuse or misuse certain aspects of the framework, which can lead to buggy and unstable code.

Pros of AngularJS:

  1. Power: AngularJS is very powerful. It can be used for both small and large projects.

  2. Stability: AngularJS is stable and well-tested. It has been around for a long time and has a proven track record.

  3. Regular updates: AngularJS is updated regularly. The engineers are constantly working on new features and improving the framework.

  4. Development environment: Feel free to work in any environment you like while using Angular. Although most engineers like TypeScript, you have the option of using Dart or JavaScript.

  5. Fast decision-making: Angular provides excellent opinions and solutions suggestions, so both experienced and unexperienced engineers can correct decisions.

Cons of AngularJS:

  1. Slow and overloaded: AngularJS can be slow in certain cases. This can be especially true when there are a lot of filters or directives being used.

  2. Complex to set up: AngularJS can be complex to set up and configure. It takes some time to get used to all the features and settings. What's more, it's not easy to learn, especially for a beginner.

  3. Compatibility issues: AngularJS is not always compatible with other frameworks and libraries. This can cause problems when trying to use multiple frameworks together. Worth adding, Angular-based apps don’t support old devices.

React features

Virtual DOM

A Virtual DOM (VDOM) is a representation of a web page that is hierarchical. It’s a duplicate of the DOM with a memory reconciliation algorithm that allows React to clone any website to its virtual memory. These two versions are kept in sync by the ReactDOM library. The VDOM feature provides for faster application development, as it allows for quick changes and modifications in the program.

Component-based architecture

The separation of components into logical components or individual functions is a common approach to guarantee clear separation between interfaces, such as events, properties, and methods. React has a comparable architecture, therefore its web and mobile apps' user interface is broken down into several components. Each component contains its own logic written in full JavaScript rather than using templates. It enables data to be transferred without changing the DOM.

One-Way Data Binding

One of the biggest benefits of React is its one-way data binding capability. It implies that the data flow is unidirectional, giving engineers more control over mobile and web apps. The feature prevents engineers from editing any component without using a callback function. One-way data binding improves apps' pliability and competence, in addition to improving engineer control.


With the help of JSX (stands for JavaScript XML), you can transform HTML tags into React components. What does it mean? It allows JavaScript code to include and combine HTML with custom tags directly, which is quite useful. Furthermore, it helps React build blocks quickly and without any problems.

Angular features

Angular uses an imperative programming style, which means you have to describe how your component should be updated when the user interacts with it. This can make your code more complex, but it also gives you more control over how your app behaves.

Two-way data-biding

The template is connected to the component class through a data feed. This implies that data sharing occurs between the component class and the template. As a result, if one side makes a change in data, the other side will be automatically updated.

Virtual Scrolling

Virtual scrolling enables simulating all rendered items in an efficient way by creating similar heights for container elements and total elements available for rendering. Thanks to virtual scrolling, code can perform numerous scroll events and enhances the loading and unloading of DOM elements.

MVC Architecture

MVC stands for Model-View-Controller. It is an architectural pattern that splits a single application into three logical elements – model, view, and controller.

React updates

React is still a popular JavaScript framework and is being updated regularly. In 2022, React is at version 18 and there have been some big changes. One of the biggest changes is that React has become more modular. This means that you can now use only the parts of React that you need, which makes it faster and smaller. React also now supports both JavaScript and TypeScript, which makes development with React easier for teams with different languages.

One trend in React development in 2022 is using it for mobile apps because it’s so fast and efficient, which works well for mobile apps where performance is crucial. Another trend is using React for server-side rendering. React can be used to create entire websites, not just individual pages, and this can improve performance on servers.

Angular updates

AngularJS 2 was released in 2016 and it had a lot of new features that made it more efficient and user-friendly. Some of the updates and trends in AngularJS 2 include:

  • the use of TypeScript, which makes the code more organized and efficient,
  • the use of components, which makes development easier and faster,
  • the use of directives, which allows you to create reusable components,
  • the use of routing, which allows you to create different routes for your website,
  • the use of animations, which make your website more interactive and visually appealing,
  • the use of filters, which allow you to modify data before it is displayed on the page.

React vs Angular - comparison

React and Angular are two of the most popular frameworks for web development. They are both quite powerful and have a lot of features in common. However, there are also some key differences between them.

  1. React is typically used for smaller projects, as it's easier to learn and use. Angular is more suited to larger projects, as its complexity can make it difficult to scale down.

  2. React has a large community of engineers, and there are many resources available online. Angular also has a large community, but it can be harder to find resources and support.

  3. React is backed by Facebook, and Angular is backed by Google. This means that both frameworks are likely to continue to be developed and supported in the future.

Which framework to choose - React vs Angular?

So, which framework should you choose? It depends on your project requirements and your own skills and preferences. If you're just getting started with web development, React might be a better choice. If you're looking for a more powerful and complex framework, Angular might be a better fit. Whichever you choose, you'll be able to build impressive single-page applications. So, what is your choice for your next project? If you need some help, don't hesitate to schedule a free consultation with us, or get a free project estimation.



Frontend Engineer

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